I shot my second wedding on Friday using just the fuji system. I can’t show the results from the first wedding I shot with them as the bride and groom want to see the images before they let them out in the wild. But for the Friday wedding, I was second shooting and I know they are fine with me sharing the experience. I found this second wedding much easier to shoot, I think the experience of the first wedding taught me a lot about how to use these cameras in this very demanding environment. In both weddings, any shots missed were down to my incompetence rather than any deficiency of the cameras. I used an XT-1, and XE-2 and an x100s, and they all performed admirably.
On this second wedding the main photographer was confused by my choice of camera, he didn’t understand why I would choose to not shoot with a DSLR. By the end of the wedding, once he had seen the images, he was asking how much they were!
Anyway, here are some images, I tried to shoot it documentary style and capture as many moments as I could..the lenses used were the 56mm, 35mm, 55-200 and 14mm.
The dance shots were shot in very low light without flash, so are generally at 3200 or 6400 iso. They are not all perfectly in focus, but I love them , as I think they really capture the atmosphere. The other photographers were all using their flashguns and I’d be interested to see the results. I shot the dance ones as jpegs, as I needed that 8 frames a second and I don’t have a fast SD card so shooting raw just slowed things down too much. I was shooting them at 1.2 on the 56mm, which I found worked really well ( continuous focus mode for AF ). More to come soon from the Abbey, where I shot more with the 55-200.
Some more edits..